We offer Telehealth (Virtual) Chiropractic Appointments
Taking care of your health and well-being is more important than ever during these difficult times.
Virtual chiropractic appointments are available to patients to assist in your current recovery or maintain your well being. Virtual appointments are only for patients who require essential care ( when the matter is time sensitive or to avoid an adverse outcome). We are able to provide you with advice,exercises, address ergonomics and other self-care recommendations. Virtual care can help if you have had an acute injury for which we’ve previously assessed in-office, or a flare-up of a chronic problem. It is also available for new patients who do not require urgent/emergency in-office care. How does a virtual appointment work? If you would like to have a virtual appointment with Dr. Patterson then email us at [email protected] or call 613 389-5331. She will contact you to obtain your information and discuss the suitability of virtual care for you. We do not charge a fee for this screening consult. Once you and Dr. Patterson determine that you need a virtual consult you can go to our website and book an appointment online for a time that works for you. You will receive an email confirmation with a link to join the secure telehealth platform when your appointment time comes. Alternatively we’ll be happy to book the appointment for you.
Is Virtual care (telehealth) covered by my insurance plan? Most Canadian insurance companies are covering virtual/telehealth appointments. Please check with your insurance provider to find out if they are allowing virtual chiropractic care under your plan in light of the pandemic.
Is my privacy protected during the virtual appointment? We continue to abide by the PHIPA Ontario and PIPEDA Canada regulations for virtual appointment the same way we do for in- clinic appointments. The secure online application that we use is compliant with these regulations. The video link is only shared between you and Dr. Patterson.
What electronic device will I need for the virtual appointment? You will need a computer with a microphone and camera or you can use a tablet or a smart phone. However a bigger screen will be helpful. If possible, a quiet well-lit location is preferred for your appointment.
What if we have technical difficulties during the session? If something goes wrong with your session due to an internet problem/connection issue your appointment can be rebooked. Please make sure that you have a reliable internet connection.
Once I have booked a Virtual/Telehealth Chiropractic appointment at Kingston West Family Chiropractic, what are the next steps? Once your appointment is booked, you will receive an email from us with instructions on signing into the secure Telehealth platform, at the time of your appointment. We recommend that you sign-in 5-minutes prior to your appointment. Then, just like Face Time, Facebook messenger or Whatsapp, you will receive a Video Call from Dr. Patterson. When your appointment begins, she will click on your name and the session will start. You don’t require an account to access the service.
What if I need to reschedule my appointment? Please email us at [email protected]. Our email is being checked regularly. Please provide us with 24 hours notice for appointment changes.
How do I pay for my visit? We will be able to take e-transfers or credit card payments over the phone prior to your appointment and then email you a copy of your receipt after the completion of your appointment. Direct billing may be possible in some instances. Should we attempt to direct bill and the payment is pending or not finalized then you would be required to provide payment by e-transfer or credit card.