Physical therapies such as therapeutic ultrasound and electrotherapy are available at the clinic to complement your chiropractic care. Therapeutic ultrasound helps aid in the healing of soft tissue injuries and damage such as tendon injuries, ligament sprains and muscle strains. Electrotherapy is available in a wide variety of currents such as IFC (inferential current), Russian Stimulation and many more. Electrotherapy has many purposes and depends on both the type of current and the setting. It can help with acute and chronic pain, muscle spasms, rehabilitation of injuries, swelling and even strengthening.
Dr. Patterson is available to provide informative health presentations to both workplaces and organizations in the Kingston Community. Prior to any presentation a good working relationship is established with the organization to conduct a needs assessment. Each presentation is personalized to meet the needs, personally and professionally of the target audience. Some topics that Dr. Patterson has spoken on are stress, osteoporosis, back pain, neck pain, headaches and disc problems. She has been invited to speak within the community to: Frontenac Community Mental Health Services St. Paul’s Women’s Church Group Empire Financial Group Seniors Association of Kingston KEYS And more…. If you would like Dr. Patterson to speak at your workplace or organization please call or e-mail the office today. |
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