Contemporary Medical Acupuncture is an effective and simple treatment approach based on current concepts of neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, and pathophysiology. Insertion of solid ultra fine needles in specific anatomic locations and use of electrical stimulation when appropriate to stimulate nerves, muscles and joints are the foundation of this approach. Acupuncture stimulates and regulates the body’s natural processes and aids in decreasing pain and inflammation, promotes tissue healing and restores muscle strength. Acupuncture effects on humans include muscle relaxation, pain modulation, changes in autonomic activity (vasomotor tone, cardiac rhythm, peristalsis), diverse neuroendocrine and immune responses, general relaxation, and a feeling of psychophysical well being. People experience acupuncture differently. A slight sensation when the needle is inserted may be felt, but it is not generally considered painful. Once the needles are in place, usually nothing is felt. As a matter of fact, some people find acupuncture very relaxing. At the clinic we only use sterile, disposable needles that are used only once and then disposed of. Who can Benefit from Acupuncture? Through ongoing medical research, acupuncture has been shown to be beneficial in treating many conditions and disorders. Some of these conditions include: · Headaches · Carpal Tunnel Syndrome · Neck and Back pain · Arthritic conditions · Shoulder pain · Nausea & Morning Sickness · Facial Pain and TMJ ·Sciatic Pain · Tendonitis · Fibromyalgia · Insomnia and Stress · Acute and Chronic Pain · Sinusitis · Addictions (Smoking Cessation) · Musculoskeletal Problems · Fertility
Dr. Patterson has also completed the core program in Contemporary Medical Acupuncture through McMaster University and advanced acupuncture training in CCMD (cranio cervical mandibular disorders) diagnosis and treatment.
Contemporary Medical Acupuncture For Health Professionals is a University-based continuing education program for selected health professionals interested in integrating Contemporary Medical Acupuncture into their practice. For more information on the program please go to
The American Academy of Medical Acupuncture, the American Board of Medical Acupuncture, and many professional colleges, associations, and licensing boards throughout Canada and the USA recognize the McMaster University Contemporary Acupuncture for Health Professionals program in different dimensions. Over 600 health professionals have graduated from the program to date (December 2008).
How do I know if I have coverage for Acupuncture?
Some extended health care plans have coverage for acupuncture. It would be up to you to determine what the policy states. If it says acupuncturist only or naturopathic doctor only, then your policy would not cover the contemporary acupuncture offered by Dr. Patterson as an acupuncture service, but it can still be billed as a chiropractic service. If you are in doubt, please contact the company directly. WSIB and DVA recognize the McMaster University Acupuncture program and provide coverage to eligible individuals.